

科室拥有Olympus多套腹腔镜设备及ERBE肝脏手术数码工作站、Johnson & Johnson数字超声刀、MMs荷兰全消化道测压仪设备等。多项科研课题分别获省、市科技成果。在国家级杂志发在论文50余篇,SCI文章5篇,编写专著2本,获国家专利2项。



l  小儿肝胆专业学科带头人:乐盛麟


l  小儿肛肠专业学科带头人:李鹏

诊治疾病:脐疝 、鞘状突畸形(腹股沟斜疝、鞘膜积液)、卵黄管发育异常 、原发性腹膜炎、乳靡腹、先天性幽门闭锁与狭窄、胃扭转 、先天性肥厚性幽门狭窄、先天性肠旋转不良、先天性肠闭锁和肠狭窄、消化道重复畸形、梅克尔憩室、肠套叠、粘连性肠梗阻、腹内疝、阑尾炎、肠蛔虫症、炎症性肠病、急性坏死性肠炎、无神经节细胞症(巨结肠)、直肠及结肠息肉、家族性遗传性结肠息肉病、先天性肛门直肠畸形(无肛)、直肠脱垂症、肛门周围脓肿、肛裂、肛瘘。其中B超下肠套叠水压灌肠复位术,完全经肛门巨结肠根治术(无痕手术),中高位肛门闭锁Pena肛门成形术处国内领先水平。

l  小儿肿瘤专业学科带头人:乐盛麟



l  小儿微创腹腔镜专业学科带头人:李鹏


l 小儿骨科

    The pediatric surgical department of The Children’s hospital of Guangdong has ser up at the Panyu subfield,open two outpatient-clinic at Panyu subfield and Yuexiu subfield,which is the earliest famous medical department that treats pediatric surgical disease.Through tens years of develoment,it has shaped into a strong technical forced pediatric surgical system which includs series of  branched department such as pediatric general surgery,pediatric urinary surgery,pediatric maxillofacial surgery,pediatric chest surgery,pediatric orthopethic surgery.

    The pediatric surgical department is equipped 45 beds.Now has 5 high qualification attendings,70% of the doctors here got master’s degree.The department possess of several high-tech equipments ,like Olympus laparoscopic device,hepatobiliary surgical workstation,Johnson&Johnson digital ultrasonic knives,MMs gastrointestinal manometry instrument.The PICU,which is the key speciality department of Guangdong,provide a strong support for those critical patients.Numbers of research projects are awarded as technological achievements.Our team have published more than 30 profational papers in national magazines,write 1 monograph,obtained 1 national patent.

pediatric general surgery

    The first ones that use the B-pressure enema reduction of intussusception which avoid the harmness of X-ray or surgery.The hemangioma and lymphangioma intervention accumulated a wealth of experience.Laparoscopic inguinal hernia,hydrocele,cryptorchidism,appendictis,hypertrophic pyloric stenosis,high anal atresia,Meckel diverticulum,congennital megacolon,such as surgery for children to provide a minimally  invasive surgical treatment.PENA Anoplasty treatment improves life quality for those post-treatment children with medium or high level anal atresia.Completely through the anus hirschsprung surgery to relieve the abdominal pain for children.The treatment of choledochal cyst,liver tumor,biliary atresia is at the leading domestic level of the country.

pediatric maxillofacial surgery

    The children’s hospital of Guangdong is the only hospital work with the A-class “smilly train” project,provides surgery for over 200 kids has cleft lip or cleft palate every year,who formed its own characteristics in this field.The children can pronounce like normal people after the postoperative rehabilitation.

pediatric orthopethic surgery

    We are focusing on developing curing on fracure,congenital clubfoot,congenital muscular torticollis,sequelae of cerebral palsy,polydactyly,syndactyly,developmental dysplasia of the hip.

pediatric chest surgery

    We are pushing on launching the treament of pectus excavatum,congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of lung,hiatus hernia,congenital diaphragmatic hernia,eventration of the diaphragm.